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4 Types of Podcasts to Try Creating

There are various types of podcast styles you can use when creating your own audio content – and you don’t have to choose just one!

You may find that one particular style fits your subject matter and your personality better, however there is nothing stopping you from trying to mix and match throughout your podcast series.

Take a look at some of the types to choose from!

Interview Podcasts

This involves speaking to one or more guests during the episode, and is a great way to provide a range of opinions and viewpoints on a specific topic.

Conversational Podcasts

Two or most podcast hosts simply having conversations about specific themes and topics – similar to a radio show. These types of podcasts can be quite effortless to make when the hosts have good chemistry and are typically chatty people.

Monologue Podcasts

The perfect podcast style to show thought leadership and expert knowledge. A single host will speak for the entirety of the episode. This can be applied to almost any topic, and you have the option to either create a podcast on one specific topic throughout every episode, or create a podcast that covers a range of things with each episode being topic specific.

Storytelling / Investigative Podcasts

One or more hosts use each episode to tell a story, or part of one. These are more immersive, and can be fictional or based on real events. Non-fiction podcasts will require much more research to ensure what is being told is true.


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