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Navigating GDPR and Digital Marketing: A Guide for Small Businesses 

GDPR legislation has significantly impacted the realm of digital marketing and businesses must ensure best practises to ensure compliance when targeting audiences. Here we take a look at how to manage that balance between compliance and effective marketing. 

Tips for Obtaining GDPR-Compliant Consent 

One of the most important things for GDPR compliance is obtaining valid consent from individuals before collecting and processing their personal data for marketing purposes.  

All marketing practices must adhere to consent requirements, in that consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous.  

To do this, small businesses can implement the following best practices: 

  1. Transparent communication: Clearly explain to individuals how their data will be used for marketing purposes, including the types of communication they can expect to receive and the frequency of contact. 
  2. Opt-in mechanisms instead of opt-out: Any data collection method must include opt-in mechanisms, such as checkboxes or subscription forms, that allow individuals to actively consent to receiving marketing communications. 
  3. Granular consent options: Provide individuals with consent options, allowing them to choose the types of marketing communication they wish to receive. For example, newsletters, promotional activity, personalised recommendations.
  4. Easy opt-out: Make it easy for individuals to withdraw their consent at any time by providing clear and accessible opt-out mechanisms, such as unsubscribe links in marketing emails.

Ultimately, by building trust and respecting individuals’ privacy rights, small businesses can foster stronger relationships with their customers and drive sustainable growth in the digital marketplace. 


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