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LinkedIn: Personal Profile vs Business Profile 

Business Page

This page acts as the company’s hub, however, to create a business page you need to have a personal profile to link it up. It is the place to build your brand’s online identity and voice, sharing information about your company and the work that takes place. There is also the opportunity to post job opportunities and post article updates. Employees can also be linked to this page via their personal profiles.

Business pages are useful to have for several reasons:

  • Credibility. Users will often use LinkedIn to search for a company to find out more.
  • Visibility. Alongside giving visibility on LinkedIn when users are searching, having a business page on LinkedIn is something that would also appear in Google Searches when people are searching your company name.
  • Advertising opportunities. Targeted advertising allows businesses to direct content at specific groups of people.


Personal Page

This is your member profile, and is your space to establish your personal brand, and share your career experience and knowledge whilst networking with other professionals. This is where users will find out more about you as a professional, as well as on a personal level when you start to build connections.

They are useful for:

  • Connection. You can’t connect with other users through a business page, as you can with a personal. This helps to connect with prospective leads and initiate that touchpoint.
  • Visibility. Through connecting and networking, your personal profile gives you visibility within the industry – which then leads users back towards your business.


Business Page vs Personal Page

Ultimately, it is important to have both types of profile to ensure your business flourishes on LinkedIn.

Read more on LinkedIn profiles.

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