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How to Drive Engagement on Social Media

Driving engagement to social media profiles requires a balanced approach that helps amplify your content about the ‘noise’. Establishing and being confident in your Unique Selling Point (USP) can be the basis of elevating your brand above competitors.

By analysing your existing engagement, you can begin to understand where next to target marketing efforts. In-built social media platform analytics can help any user to build new strategies based on the behaviours of their existing users.

A consistent tone of voice that reflects the brand effectively, drives customers toward profiles and websites on the premise what they see on social media will be reflected in the product or service.

Content that is tailored to the audiences ‘wants and needs’ increases the perceived value of the posts. It also increases the potential for ‘shares’ to an additional audience who may also find the information useful. Ensuring topics stay relevant to trends of the industry increases the engagement from communities, encouraging a conversation between brand and customers.

Find more ways to drive engagement on social media here:

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