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Email Marketing Fundamentals

Email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing strategies, but it’s also one of the most effective. There are 4 billion daily email users, and this is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025.

With that said, here’s why it’s a great marketing tool for business.

It’s a Targeted Form of Marketing

Email marketing provides you with the opportunity to directly target specific people. Those on your email list will be customers who have either shown an interest in your business or who have surrendered data for marketing purposes.

Provides a High ROI

It is a cost-effective marketing tool. Email marketing allows you to send multiple messages easily, and quickly to segmented audiences.

Increases Brand Awareness

By providing regular communication value to your audience, brand awareness is raised. Your audience will naturally become more aware of your brand, products or services, building trust and loyalty.

Easily Adaptable to Fit Your Audiences

Emails can be easily adapted to fit the message needed for each audience. You can create a number of different types of emails, such as newsletters, welcome emails, sales emails and more.

Learn more  

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