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What is Digital Marketing

‘Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.’ – Hubspot, 2022 

Digital Marketing can be defined as any form of targeted communication to a current or prospective audience, that takes place online. In contrast to traditional Marketing, it is intangible and entirely exists within a platform, framework, search engine or website. 

The beauty of digital Marketing is that the prevalence of free tools allow even the smallest businesses to establish a credible and professional presence on the internet. This in turn leads to consumer trust and enhanced likelihood of success. Many consumers now expect and rely on brands to use digital Marketing, using their time online to discover their next purchase – whether that be a product or a service.  

For more detailed insight into the world of digital Marketing, discover this recent Hubspot article on the ‘Who, What, How and Why’;  

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